Slot machines are like chick magnets. Why? Because even women are addicted to this game. Unlike other casino games, slot machines might be the most woman-friendly game in the building. And this is true. Back in the day when ladies tag along with their men in the casino instead of sitting next to them for long hours. They would approach a slot machine and just kill time there. This is like comfort to them. Having fun or winning while waiting.

The ratio of women playing online casino is crazy

Today around 30% to 40% is the ratio of women playing online casinos. Crazy to think right? The time is rapidly changing on how people approach the game. For a long time, you would think that casinos are only for men. But you got to think again because the player across the table winning might be your lady neighbor.

Game preference of Women

Women for a very long time have not been popular in the casino community. But recent studies show that women are starting to populate the gambling world. From slot machines to board games they are dominating.

Women may spend more money than men

Women can be very impulsive, right? This is why some records show that women spend more than men. Most men will deposit around $40 to $50 dollars and women would deposit around $20 to $30 dollars. Quite low. But men will deposit at least 19 times a year while women will deposit at least 30 times a year. You can do the math from here. Also, women over time are proven to be more loyal customers than men. This is more beneficial to casino operators. As they want more people to stay with them after they sign up.

Women playing on mobile

Women according to some research play more on mobile than men. And we should consider that most if not all casino operators are more active in mobile casinos. Then it is because of the rapid growth of smartphones. 59% of players playing online casinos on mobile are women. So even this simple study shows that women are still dominating.

Why the growth of women players continues to rise

As mentioned above. The popularity of tablets or mobile devices has helped spike the era of these new women players. This generation is changing and men are not the only ones emerging on top. This proves that the gambling scene is starting to become equal when it comes to players. Some say that online gambling on casinos like slot pg has given women a chance to try their luck with gambling.